meet jennie




Hello and welcome! My name is Jennie Docherty and I am a Certified Health Coach. My journey into the world of health began long before I knew what the concept even was. Since a young age, I was involved in every possible sport, going on to compete in Cross Country and Track & Field at the University of Iowa. It was during that time I began to experience health issues of my own.

What started as overtraining led to chronic injuries, fatigue, and systemic imbalances - across hormones (like no period for 8 years), gut (colon surgery, stomach pain, bloating, constipation), skin (hi mold and psoriasis), immune (viral infections), sleep, brain fog, weight gain, the works. I didn’t know better at the time, so kept pushing through, when my body was really screaming at me to pause and re-evaluate how I was living my life and why. 

It took me over a decade of trial and error (apparently that’s how I learn!) to peel back all the layers and truly understand what creates health and vitality in our lives. And let me tell you, it’s not perfectly following a restrictive diet or an overly complicated supplement protocol. Yes food and supplements have a place in building health, but there is so much more - and it’s a lot simpler than one might expect.

I believe my health challenges existed to guide me on a journey back to myself, to nature, to God, and to deeper alignment. I've learned and grown so much along the way, that I would love to support others in doing the same ❤︎


  • Certified Health Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition

  • MBA in Marketing, University of Iowa

  • BBA in Marketing + BA in International Studies & Spanish, University of Iowa

  • Additional Courses

    • Perfect Thyroid and Perfect Digestion, The Wellness Academy

    • BVT Bootcamp, Healing SIBO with Nature, and Mold 101, The Heal Hive

    • Fat Loss 101 and Gut Health 101, Raw Fitness Nutrition

    • Ultimate Nutrition Mentorship, Coach Dan Garner

  • Numerous books, workshops, consultations, and ongoing education


  • Health & Nutrition Coach, Jennie Docherty

  • Product Marketing Manager, Built Technologies

  • Account Executive, Nike

  • Nutrition Alignment Specialist, Human Garage

  • Personal Wellness Chef, Vibe Chefs

  • Corporate Strategy, Revenue Management & Sales, Delta Air Lines

  • Division I Collegiate Cross Country and Track & Field Athlete, University of Iowa

  • 10+ years yoga practice

  • Extensive solo international travel

  • Lifestyle blogger,